Todays outfit:
Sorry about the bad picture quality in some of the pictures- But blogger won't cooperate with me tonight, so it's just going to be a quick post.
Today I wore a dress (which is pretty much a tanktop and a blue skirt) and a cardigan with patches on the sleeves, and then my (loved) dark blue Converse.
Nighty nighty!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
In that velvet night!
I'm going watching Californiacation with my family in a minute, but I thought about uploading todays first!
Watch: Swatch (Summer lady collection).
Jumpsuit: Very by Vero moda
So here it is.
Enjoy the saturday evening, it won't last forever.
Watch: Swatch (Summer lady collection).
Jumpsuit: Very by Vero moda
So here it is.
Enjoy the saturday evening, it won't last forever.
Blog under reconstruction
For the next while my blog will be under reconstruction, so the next time you visit my blog, it may look very different.
Sorry about the silence, trying to keep up on the fashion posts.
Now I will go take some pictures for the reconstruction!
Sorry about the silence, trying to keep up on the fashion posts.
Now I will go take some pictures for the reconstruction!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Home Sweet Home
I'm back from Thailand now, and I should write and apology for not blogging in a month, but jetlag is all over me!
I'm going to make some posts the next couple of weeks about what I bought in Thailand, but right now I'm going to sleep... Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Love <3.
I'm going to make some posts the next couple of weeks about what I bought in Thailand, but right now I'm going to sleep... Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Love <3.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Beauty new ins!
Not a lot, but quite nice and luxus...
1. Eyemask from The Body Shop.
With this mask you almost creates a home spa. It really helps and if you put it on the last 10 min of your sleep, then you would 100% be awake all day! :-)
65 Dkk- 12.5 $
2. Mini brush-kit from The Body Shop.
This is an amazing mini-kit with soft and good quality brushes. They fit right in to my makeup!
They were on sale.
80 Dkk/ 15 $
I'm traveling to Thailand on Saturday<3
Not a lot, but quite nice and luxus...
With this mask you almost creates a home spa. It really helps and if you put it on the last 10 min of your sleep, then you would 100% be awake all day! :-)
65 Dkk- 12.5 $
2. Mini brush-kit from The Body Shop.
This is an amazing mini-kit with soft and good quality brushes. They fit right in to my makeup!
They were on sale.
80 Dkk/ 15 $
I'm traveling to Thailand on Saturday<3
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Fashion founds in the basement (shoes)
I'm back again on the blog... Finally!
I went down to the basement and guess what I found... S. H. O. E. S!
And the nice ones of the kind!
Dr. Martens (black)
2. Vedges from Vagabond.
I'm back again on the blog... Finally!
I went down to the basement and guess what I found... S. H. O. E. S!
And the nice ones of the kind!
Dr. Martens (black)
2. Vedges from Vagabond.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
DIY: How to wash your brushes for less than 8,00 $
Hey everybody!
Thought about the project: I care a lot about makeup and cleansing my face.
So I figured out that your brushes have to be cleansed so that you don't aply your old eyeshadow everytime.
I figured this out by searching around on the internet, that there are more methods to wash your brushes, then a brushcleanser for 35,00 $.
Update: I'm off from school today, so I'm just home running some errands and waiting to have guests for "Sankt hans aften."
Thought about the project: I care a lot about makeup and cleansing my face.
So I figured out that your brushes have to be cleansed so that you don't aply your old eyeshadow everytime.
I figured this out by searching around on the internet, that there are more methods to wash your brushes, then a brushcleanser for 35,00 $.
1. Find a good baby shampoo or just a regular gentle shampoo. I recommend using a neutral shampoo (parabene and perfume free) that's why a baby shampoo is perfect for this. It shouldn't cost more than 8,00 $ or less. Ps. One bottle is almost enough for cleansing your brushes one a week in a whole year.
2. Apply the needed amount of baby shampoo (or regular shampoo) in your hand. The bigger brush, the more shampoo you need. Ps. Your hans must be dry when you apply the shampoo.
3. Gently turn the brush around in your hans until the old eyeshadow will stick to the shampoo in your hand. Ps. BE GENTLE!
4. See how much old eyeshadow it picked up? It's amazing stuff.
5. Wash the shampoo of and gently squeeze the shampoo out.
6. Let it dry on a dry towel. Ps. You can use the towel to squeeze the water out before you let it dry.
7. Then you're done. Do this a night before you need the brushes and let it dry over the night. Remeber to do this at least once a week to make sure that your brushes are clean.
I'll make an update about my outfit, makeup and stuff tonight and since I'm borred then I'll probably also blog some more today! So stay tunned for the newest updates.
Just an awesome song I'm listening a lot to at the moment.
It's; Mad world by Gary Jules.
Se you guys soon.
xxx The Fashion Mirror
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Not my giveaway, but somebody elses! Nice price.
Hey people.
This danish blog made a giveaway that gives you the oppertunity to win a silver depend and an unknown colored Essie nailpolish!
I know some of you might hate those blogposts, but I've discovered a lot of blogs (including this one) by the blogposts. So I hope that you will check this blog out! :-)
I'll make some more blogposts later tonight!
Bye, bye so far!
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
This danish blog made a giveaway that gives you the oppertunity to win a silver depend and an unknown colored Essie nailpolish!
I know some of you might hate those blogposts, but I've discovered a lot of blogs (including this one) by the blogposts. So I hope that you will check this blog out! :-)
I'll make some more blogposts later tonight!
Bye, bye so far!
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
Monday, June 20, 2011
If you get what I get, what would you say?
Song: This lyric is taken from the cool song/rap by; Lil wayne, Busta Rhymesa and Chris Brown!
Have you heard the quick rap Busta Rhymes makes in the end? Damn, you see that's how rap should be.
You can hear the awesome song here!
Fashion: So I went doing some quick shopping with my friends; Maggie and Lisa. We went to Cheap Monday and they had this huge sale with almost 50 % on a lot of stuff! :-)
I bought this new t-shirt on sale with 50% on; From 150 Dkk- 75 Dkk! Really cheap!
It's nothing special just a basic t-shirt with print! :-)
T-shirt: Cheap Monday (50% on sale)
Pants: Pieces
Btw. Have you guys checked my friend Carlas blog out? She writes in danish and she has a very nice style!
You can check her blog out here! <3
My summerholiday is starting in 4 days, I'm counting down!
Not much else to write!
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
Have you heard the quick rap Busta Rhymes makes in the end? Damn, you see that's how rap should be.
You can hear the awesome song here!
Fashion: So I went doing some quick shopping with my friends; Maggie and Lisa. We went to Cheap Monday and they had this huge sale with almost 50 % on a lot of stuff! :-)
I bought this new t-shirt on sale with 50% on; From 150 Dkk- 75 Dkk! Really cheap!
It's nothing special just a basic t-shirt with print! :-)
T-shirt: Cheap Monday (50% on sale)
Pants: Pieces
Btw. Have you guys checked my friend Carlas blog out? She writes in danish and she has a very nice style!
You can check her blog out here! <3
My summerholiday is starting in 4 days, I'm counting down!
Not much else to write!
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
Thursday, June 16, 2011
What if the world was different?- New in
Hey people.
I bought this feminine blouse from Vila on Østerbro.
They had so many things, which I wouldn't mind moving in to my closet, but this was my favorite of all.
This is almost like a normal black top and can go with most clothes, but the feminine details seems to change a simple outfit in every direction; Casual, chic, dressy and you name it.
I haven't used it in school yet, but I will, very soon.
I apologize for the bad pictures and I don't know if you're able to see it clear, but I made another post were the top is a part of "todays outfit" here.
I'm still in bed, and hoping to get well to tomorrow.
Sleep tight<3.
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
I bought this feminine blouse from Vila on Østerbro.
They had so many things, which I wouldn't mind moving in to my closet, but this was my favorite of all.
This is almost like a normal black top and can go with most clothes, but the feminine details seems to change a simple outfit in every direction; Casual, chic, dressy and you name it.
I haven't used it in school yet, but I will, very soon.
I apologize for the bad pictures and I don't know if you're able to see it clear, but I made another post were the top is a part of "todays outfit" here.
I'm still in bed, and hoping to get well to tomorrow.
Sleep tight<3.
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
It's a new situation
The text "it's a new situation" kinda fit to this post since it's about how I changed my layout!
It's probably more feminine now, do you like this or the other layout the better?
I'm feeling sick, but at least I was in school today, even thoug that I was sick the whole time! :-(
So here I'm I almost made a cave out of my bedroom, laying in my bed and drinking tea!
Many greets from my bed...
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
It's probably more feminine now, do you like this or the other layout the better?
I'm feeling sick, but at least I was in school today, even thoug that I was sick the whole time! :-(
So here I'm I almost made a cave out of my bedroom, laying in my bed and drinking tea!
Many greets from my bed...
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
Monday, June 13, 2011
Hight of love, drunk from the hate
Song: I love Eminem! "High of love, drunk from the hate" is taken from is duet with Rihanna "Love the way you lie."
I love Eminem, he's probably my favorite rapper of all time<3
Fashion: This is a "Todays outfit" post.
I'm going out with some friends of my family. We're going sailing and eating at a restuarant tonight.
I want the outfit to be casual but still yet chic! :)
Top: Vila (with feminie details and buttons)
Chinos: Vero Moda
Bag: Longchamp (medium size)
About the Longchamp bag; Have I ever told you how much I love this bag?
I never go shopping or anywere without this bag; I simply adore it!
I'm off for school and enjoying it as hell! :-)
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
I love Eminem, he's probably my favorite rapper of all time<3
Fashion: This is a "Todays outfit" post.
I'm going out with some friends of my family. We're going sailing and eating at a restuarant tonight.
I want the outfit to be casual but still yet chic! :)
Top: Vila (with feminie details and buttons)
Chinos: Vero Moda
Bag: Longchamp (medium size)
About the Longchamp bag; Have I ever told you how much I love this bag?
I never go shopping or anywere without this bag; I simply adore it!
I'm off for school and enjoying it as hell! :-)
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Next chapter
Hey people!
One of the bloggers has made this new give-away which I would really recommend you to join, since that? Well it's incredible!
You can win two nailpolishes from ANY brand you like; Dior, Chanel or Essie (my personal favorite) and etc.
You can see the link to her blog-post here and then you should defineatly check out her blog, cause she has an amazing fashion-taste<3
So I hope that you will check out the give-away post, and I'm (of course) hoping to win the price of two nailpolishes<3
Favorite brand: Essie.
Favoirte colors: Fifth Avenue, Barbados Blue, Sweet Talker & Mint Candy Apple<3.
I'll talk to you guys later! :D
With lots of love from Copenhagen...
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
One of the bloggers has made this new give-away which I would really recommend you to join, since that? Well it's incredible!
You can win two nailpolishes from ANY brand you like; Dior, Chanel or Essie (my personal favorite) and etc.
You can see the link to her blog-post here and then you should defineatly check out her blog, cause she has an amazing fashion-taste<3
So I hope that you will check out the give-away post, and I'm (of course) hoping to win the price of two nailpolishes<3
Favorite brand: Essie.
Favoirte colors: Fifth Avenue, Barbados Blue, Sweet Talker & Mint Candy Apple<3.
I'll talk to you guys later! :D
With lots of love from Copenhagen...
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Down by the river and by the botes
Down by the riverside<3
Almost everybody know the song "riverside" cause it is such an amazing song.
Just putted it a link to it in case, you don't know the song! I will put a link below!
Agnes Obel- Riverside
Enough of Agnes let's get to the fashion case; You see, I went to Urban Outfitters and found those gorgeous things, which I considered to buy, so I want you to help me about the; Go or No Go part?
All of the pictures and the stuff is taken from Urban Outfitters official site. I will put a link below!
Urban Outfitters official site
Btw. The weather is amazing in Copenhagen, almost 25 degreeds! So I'm justgoing around and enjoying the sun and all the amazing summerfashion.
Agnes Obel FTW!
xxx Copenhagen Fashion<3.
Almost everybody know the song "riverside" cause it is such an amazing song.
Just putted it a link to it in case, you don't know the song! I will put a link below!
Agnes Obel- Riverside
Enough of Agnes let's get to the fashion case; You see, I went to Urban Outfitters and found those gorgeous things, which I considered to buy, so I want you to help me about the; Go or No Go part?
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I just love this tubetop and with the perfect pair of shorts then I'm heading for Thailand very soon<3 |
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This dress just screams summer, there's nothing else to say :) 400 Dkk |
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I kinda like this ring, cause it dosen't look like anything you've ever seen before? Right? 65 Dkk |
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I'd prefer it in silver but the bracelet is gorgeous! 100 Dkk |
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I need a new wallet and this could defineatly be an alternative? Go or No Go? 185 Dkk |
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This one kinda reminds me of a having a tatoo! But this is way cheaper and less painfull! :D 210 Dkk |
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A twisted toering. yes I could see myself wearing this one and my white dotted bikini on the beach in Thailand! 84 Dkk |
All of the pictures and the stuff is taken from Urban Outfitters official site. I will put a link below!
Urban Outfitters official site
Btw. The weather is amazing in Copenhagen, almost 25 degreeds! So I'm justgoing around and enjoying the sun and all the amazing summerfashion.
Agnes Obel FTW!
xxx Copenhagen Fashion<3.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Do it like a dude
My blogger has been down for a while now, so I wasn't able to post anything! :(
But here is an old leatherjaket I got from my mom, and yes it is really worn, which I guess is the thing I love about it.
I almost haven't worn any other jacket since I got like 3 weeks ago! :-)
I will blog some new ins in this week, and hopefully my blogger won't go down again! :(
Enjoy the rest of the week.
Btw. I got those awesome ballerinas, which I'll show you in my next post! So keep updated, and I'll write a post soon.
Reason for the name "Do it like a dude" Well I guess this jacket look pretty rockchic, so I couldn't stop myself from thinking about this song:
Jessie J- Do it like a dude
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
But here is an old leatherjaket I got from my mom, and yes it is really worn, which I guess is the thing I love about it.
I almost haven't worn any other jacket since I got like 3 weeks ago! :-)
I will blog some new ins in this week, and hopefully my blogger won't go down again! :(
Enjoy the rest of the week.
Btw. I got those awesome ballerinas, which I'll show you in my next post! So keep updated, and I'll write a post soon.
Reason for the name "Do it like a dude" Well I guess this jacket look pretty rockchic, so I couldn't stop myself from thinking about this song:
Jessie J- Do it like a dude
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
Monday, April 25, 2011
Todays ouftit- 25/4-11
So here is todays outfit!
- I was going to some family birthday! :-)
I'm going to the birthday now! :-)
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
- I was going to some family birthday! :-)
I'm going to the birthday now! :-)
xxx Copenhagen Fashion
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